The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.

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SALE On Rock House Milk

This is EXPIRED MILK that has gone over the Sale By Date. We are still drinking last months Expired Milk and don’t think we can consume it. So that is why I am putting it on for people that would like to use. It is also great for plants. I only have a few left. Make sure when you add to cart you order the Expired one if that is what you would like to purchase.


NOW In Stock

Bacon Smoked
Ground: Beef, Buffalo, Buffalo & Organs, Chicken, Pork & Lamb.
Liver In: Beef, Chicken & Lamb/Mutton
Beef Shank
Microgreen Seasoning You Can Put That on Everything.

Check It Out.


New Mushroom Golden Oyster In Stock

Just got in a fresh Stock of Mushrooms.

New Mushroom Golden Oyster Mushroom. Check it out.


Going to Ellijay to pick up Mushrooms

Put in your order in soon if you would like me to pick you up some fresh Mushrooms. Going Tomorrow.


New Farmer, New Products & Sales

We have a new Farmer Yonah Mountain Farms. They have Pasture raised Hens. Their hens spend their entire lives outside on pasture eating Bugs, grass, weeds, and seeds make up a large portion of their diet. They also provide a supplemental ration of non-GMO and soy free feed. They move their hens’ daily to keep their birds happy and healthy without the need for any drugs, chemicals, or antibiotics.

I would like to mention a New Product that we will be selling it is Turnip Kraut. When I was little my dad would make a Turnip Kraut, so I got together with Cultured Traditions and came up with a recipe that I think you might like. Let me know what you think…

We will be going to Ellijay Mushrooms soon so get your orders in.

We are also selling The Cultured Coconut Probiotic at a BOGO Free this month. If you already ordered one this week you will be getting 2 bottles. This is Dairy-free, Gluten-Free, Sugar-free, & Cholesterol-Free. Just 1 Tablespoon daily provides 4+ TRILLION CFU of active bacteria and a natural synergy of 40+ probiotic strains.

Spring is around the corner, so you know what that means ALLERGIES…Stock up on our LOCAL Honey, Bee Pollen and Elderberry Syrup.

Don’t forget we have our wonderful flavors of Coffee Roasted & Ground to order.

If you have already placed an order and would like to add anything just text me (770-401-8738) and I can add it to your order.

Just click to start Shopping


Sale On Cheese & Cheese Spreads

This is for all Cheeses And Spreads.



Pastured Raised Raw Milk Just Arrived

Fresh in Stock. Order yours today. We can deliver or you can it pick it up.

Halibut Now In Stock

Just received Doug’s Wild Alaska Salmon & Halibut.

This is NOT Farmed it is Wild Caught.

Get It While It Lasts.

Wild Alaska sockeye (red) salmon. Frozen, skin on, pin bone removed, vacuum packaged. MSC certified sustainable fish. All natural, nothing added. Because we are Alaskan fisherman, we can provide you with the highest quality flash-frozen wild salmon. Doug’s Wild Alaska Salmon is owned and operated by the Resetarits family, three generations of fisherman spanning a 30-year period. We operate three 32-foot fishing boats in Bristol Bay, Alaska during June and July, and spend the winter in Yulee, FL. Enjoy a true super-food!

Wheatgrass is here

You can get cut Wheatgrass in 2oz. Or Plant.
Check it out.

Just received Buffalo, Lamb & Microgreens Stock

Check out Buffalo soup bones and tenderloins. Also have
Ground Lamb.

Remember to get your Raw Milk orders in today. Our sales have increased alot so get your order in to make sure you get your milk.
