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Rock House Creamery Milk Sale

Be sure to check out the sales of the Rock House Creamery Milk this week. If you already put your order in, we will adjust your order with the new prices.

*This is the most natural form of milk, superior in both taste and nutritional value. We also use LOW temperature pasteurization, which preserves gut-friendly bacteria as well as maintaining the delicious fresh flavor of the milk. This milk is NOT homogenized, which leads to the high-fat cream to the top. *

The Jersey-Holstein herd at Rock House Creamery spends the rest of their time eating, resting, and socializing.

The process begins with the cows themselves who spend the majority of their day grazing in pasture. Our forage and irrigation specialists make sure that we grow just the right grass for their health and enjoyment, and due to modern production conveniences, they are milked for only 30 minutes per day.

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