The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.

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Bread Orders

Just letting everyone know that My Daily Bread will not be filling any orders the week of February 19th. So if you would like to order anything from her you will need to put your order in before February 12th by 6 p.m. Any orders placed after that will get filled the week of February 26th.



This week’s orders need to be in before midnight tonight so you can get your orders filled for this week’s deliveries and pick ups.


My Daily Bread Orders

Just a reminder. Sunday 6 p.m. is the deadline for Bakery orders to be delivered and picked up next week.

Market Closing Soon

Market is closing for this week’s deliveries and pick ups at Midnight. Get your orders in so you don’t miss this week’s ordering.



We are glad to have My Daily Bread back. And we are sure you do also.

All items are on website and now available to purchase.

REMAEMBER: Orders placed before Sunday 6 p.m. you will receive that week deliveries. So anything ordered after Sunday will be received next week.

Click below to start shopping.
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Bread Orders

Just reminder My Daily Bread orders for next week’s deliveries and pick up need to be in by Sunday 6 p.m. orders after that will be delivered the next week.

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Buffalo Now In Stock

We now have Carrell Farms Buffalo from Monroe, GA:

Ground, Ground with Organs, Cheek, Tenderloins, Tenderloin Filets, Ribeye, Breakfast Ribeye, Flat Iron, Chuck Roll, Sirloin, Skirt, Short Ribs, Brisket, Flank Steaks and Marrow Bones.

Check it out!

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Wild Caught Salmon Instock

Wild Caught salmon, ground and halibut and Lox.
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Now Selling Bakery Items

My Daily Bread is back. If you want any of their items delivered next week you will need to place order by Sunday 6 p.m. Any items ordered after that will be filled the next Week.

NEW Cheese

If you order today remember that you won’t get your cheese until next week.

Here is a little about Coulter Farms. She writes: My husband and I, with our three married sons, and four daughters, run a small family farm. We milk about 60 Certified Organic, 100% Grassfed Jersey cows, and process all the milk here on our farm. We sell it as bottled milk and chocolate milk; 20 varieties of cheese; yogurt; kefir; butter; and ice cream. We practice sustainable farming, including rotational grazing; perennial pastures; and limited tilling.

Our herd of friendly Certified Organic 100% grass fed Jersey cows produces rich, flavorful, creamy milk. Because it is easier on the cows, as well as on the boys who milk them, we have chosen to milk our herd only once a day. The total gallons of milk produced is lower, but the nutrient content of the milk, and the butterfat and milk solids are higher. This is important to the flavor, and provides a higher yield for Jared and Jacob, our cheesemakers, who turn surplus milk into a wide variety of cheeses. They also make yogurt, kefir, butter, and seasonal treats like pumpkin spice yogurt and eggnog.

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